

Where can HANA flower boutique do delivery to?
HANA flower boutique can do delivery to JABODETABEK area.
(HANA flower boutique bisa mengantar ke seputar JABODETABEK- Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi).
Is there any minimum order for delivery?
Minimum order is IDR 800,000,- for delivery

Is there any additional charge for delivery?
Within Jakarta, there is NO additional charge (Free)
Karawaci - Serpong - Tangerang - BSD : IDR 150,000,- Bekasi : IDR 150,000,- Lippo Cikarang : IDR 200,000,- Bintaro : IDR 150,000,- Cinere : IDR 100,000,- Depok : IDR 100,000,-

How about the payment?
Please transfer to BCA (Bank Central Asia).
After your transfer payment, please confirm as soon as possible to HANA flower boutique's contact.
(Transfer ke BCA. Untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa menghubungi HANA flower boutique).

When is the latest HANA flower boutique can do delivery?
If ordered from the website, the latest is 2 pm for the same day delivery. However please call us first to make sure about the flower availability and delivery slots,
(Pesanan melalui website paling lambat jam 2 siang untuk diantar di hari yang sama, tetapi lebih baik telepon dahulu untuk memastikan kesediaan bunganya, dan slot delivery)

From what time does HANA flower boutique start delivery everyday?
We start delivery from 10 AM every day.
(Kami mulai mengantar jam 10 pagi setiap harinya)

Will I get confirmation by Email?
YES. Please check your spam/junk inbox too.
(YA. Silahkan periksa juga spam/junk inbox anda.)

Are there anything else you would like to ask us?
To contact us. Please click here.
(Klik disini untuk langsung menghubungi kami)